Sunday, April 23, 2006

Les Invalides

We visited Les Invalides, which houses an interesting armory exhibit, a WWII exhibit, and Napolean's tomb. Napolean's tomb was OK, and the WWII exhibit was closed for renovation, so we hung out at the armory and weapons exhibit. It reminded me that mankind has always been a bunch of bloodthirsty "I'm gonna kick your rear" species. They had armor from several different French kings, some of the metalworking on it was quite artistic. One set was decorated in hundreds of tiny fleur de lis. They had room after room of intricately decorated swords, pistols, and musket/rifle thingies.

This weekend we celebrated our first picnic of the season. We had a champagne picnic on Place des Vosges, complete with French strawberries which have a slightly different taste than ours. We sat near the classical strings players that were playing. The sun was out, the trees are leafing out, and the fountains were going. Tres bien! Sarah and I are looking forward to many more picnics. We'll have to modify our gig a little, we got busted by the Parc police for drinking champagne in the park. Perhaps the champagne flutes will be replaced by less obvious plastic tumblers next time. Posted by Picasa

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