Saturday, February 25, 2006

Globalization ...and Rugby

We have an amazing amount of international flavor outside our front door. Today Sarah and I left our Paris apartment and eat lunch at a Japanese grill at Bastille. We then walk to our neighborhood Scottish pub where we watch the France vs. Italy Rugby game while sipping British beer and cider. Afterwards on the way home, we stop at the American store called 'Thanksgiving' and buy overpriced microwave popcorn. All of this is within a 10 minute walk of the apartment.

So back to the Rugby. Some of you know that I tend to make fun of American football (is it the brown oblong ball, or the one with polka dots?). Sarah and I have gotten into watching Rugby here. It's an incredibly fast paced game with these monstrous players who act like they will be fed to the lions if they lose. The ball keeps moving, none of this constant stopping every 5 seconds to 'huddle' or restart a new play. And the players don't look like the Michelin man buried under protective padding. It really makes American football look like a bunch of sissies. Harumph!

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